Monday, November 18, 2013

Many Thanks as 2013 Draws to a Close...

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2013 Coming to a Close
I want to start off by saying a special thanks to all those who have partnered with Madalo and I in 2013. Your financial support and prayers have provided for our needs and strengthened our faith. We could not be here serving through Children of the Nations (COTN) without your partnership. THANK YOU!

So much has happened throughout 2013 and though I don’t get as many e-mail updates out as I would like, I hope the updates I’ve sent have been helpful in keeping you updated on our work here in Malawi. Here are a couple highlights from this year:
COTN Malawi’s Financial Self-Sustainability
COTN Malawi has done a tremendous job this last year in bettering their ability to generate funds in-country. They are increasing rental income by hosting various local church groups and organizations for conferences
New Children's Homeand meetings at their facility. This has really helped to complement the funding coming from COTN International. The extra funding has allowed COTN Malawi to construct, completely on their own, a beautiful, brand new Children’s Home! Previously, some of the full-time residential children were staying in a rented home, but now they have one of their own.
The COTN Secondary School also opened up their enrollment to private, fee-paying students from outside COTN. The extra income from these fees has made it possible for COTN Malawi to purchase their own 30 passenger coaster to use for the school and other transportation needs! It’s amazing to see an organization in Africa take on so much local financial responsibility. Now that’s partnership!
Two Clean Water Wells in Chilombo
Another great accomplishment this year is that COTN USA was able to raise funds for drilling two new clean water wells and the rehabilitation of a broken well in one of our Village Partnership Program areas, Chilombo. We currently support about 360 orphaned or vulnerable children in the Chilombo area.
2nd Chilombo Well in use!
Before this year, the residents of Chilombohad only one functioning clean water well that for many included walking a round-trip distance of up to 2 miles. For most families, this was just too much, and water was instead drawn from shallow wells closer to their homes that were not covered and protected from contamination. With these new wells strategically placed, that distance has been dramatically reduced and water-borne diseases in the community will decrease. Water committees within the communities were also set up to manage the wells and collect small fees from the residents for well and pump maintenance.
Plans for 2014
As we move into 2014, COTN Malawi has a lot of great plans that I am excited to be a part of. In the same Chilombo area, a third and final well is planned as well as the construction of a Children’s Center to be used for nursery school, feeding programs, after school tutoring, and other community meetings.

We are currently in the process of hiring a Spiritual Development Coordinator in Malawi who will be responsible for planning and coordinating spiritual development activities for all of the children. I look forward to working closely with this new hire as youth spiritual development is a personal passion of mine.

Increasing agriculture output is also a big priority for 2014. We currently operate two farms and have started a piggery project at one which will increase in 2014 allowing a lot of good animal protein to be available for the 
One of the new piglets at the farm!
children’s nutrition needs. We are in the process of purchasing a machine that will allow us to turn sunflower seeds into cooking oil which will then be used for the children as well as to sell, increasing Malawi’s financial self-sustainability even more! Through my connection with the US Peace Corps, I was able to get an agriculture volunteer placed at one of our farms. She will be there well into 2015 and will help with increasing income generating activities for the farm.
The COTN Secondary School continues to improve, our girls’ dormitory is almost complete and in 2014 we will move on to constructing additional classroom space as well as an administrative/library building. The teaching staff is complete and includes great teachers for all subjects.

I recently had the opportunity to start a leadership training class for the secondary school student leaders. There are fifteen of them, called School Prefects, and I will be meeting with them on a weekly basis when school is in session to cover various scriptural based leadership principles. I’m very excited for where this group will go over the next year!

These and so many other great new projects will be happening over 2014, but what is important to remember is that they are all geared towards helping Children of the Nations achieve the vision of “Raising Children Who Transform Nations.” I am very fortunate to be part of such great work!
One Example of a Changed Life
To help you see the actual impact that all this work has on the children themselves, I’d like to introduce you to one girl, Alefa, who has just entered the program this year so you can see the impact COTN has on a child’s life-even in just one year! You can read her story byclicking here.

As most of you know, my work with COTN is 100% dependent on financial support from people like you. Again, thank you to everyone who has been donating financial support on a monthly basis. I pray God blesses you for your effort and allows you to continue in 2014. Also, thank you to everyone who gave a one-time donation-it added up and made a difference!

In reality, we do need to add to our partners and increase our support base. My salary goal for 2014 remains at $1,800/month. We are also trying to raise additional travel funds for a trip back to Seattle for vacation as well as some work and meetings at the COTN International Office for later in 2014. This brings our total goal for the year to $27,000 or $2,250/month. Please join us in praying for God to provide!

I ask that if you are reading this, you prayerfully consider whether God is asking you to become a financial partner in my work with Children of the Nations. If you belong to a church who loves to support overseas missions, please consider bringing this need to your pastor. If you are a pastor of a church, please consider “adopting” us as missionaries supported by your church. If you belong to any community groups or clubs that like to support charitable work, please consider presenting this need to them. Any amount is helpful: our current partners individually give anywhere from $20-$500/month and all of it adds up to make a difference!

You can partner with us either with a one-time donation or through monthly support by clicking this link: Support Jeremy and Madalo.

If you prefer to donate by check, you can send it with "MACIAS" on the memo line to:

Children of the Nations
P.O. Box 3970
Silverdale, WA 98383

We really appreciate you taking the time to read this update and consider partnering with us. Finances aside, we are always so grateful to all of you who pray for us and keep in touch regularly. In addition to all the great things that happened this year, we also experienced some tough circumstances as well and we know it was God and your prayers that gave us strength and perseverance. Thank you and may God bless you in this upcoming holiday season and in the New Year!
Much Love,


Jeremy and Madalo Macias

Children of the Nations ( is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and is rated as a 4-star organization for financial management by Charity Navigator. All of your donations will be accompanied by a receipt and are tax deductible in the United States. 
Jeremy and Madalo
Prayer Requests

COTN Malawi as they recruit a Spiritual Development Coordinator and an Education Coordinator.

Jeremy and Madalo as we raise our 2014 budget.

Praise God for his provision in 2013!

Click here to financially partner with Jeremy and Madalo!
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