Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 2014 Update and Year-End Fundraising

October 2014 Update

Meet Michael
I would like to introduce you to Michael Banda! He is the newest child to come into full-time family care in one of COTN Malawi's Children's Homes. Michael was referred to COTN Malawi through the Malawi Government Social Welfare Office. He comes from Mchinji, a town one hour West of Lilongwe, just close to the Zambian border. Michael is just 3 months old and his mother passed not long after his birth. The whereabouts of his father are unknown. He came to COTN Malawi severely malnourished and suffering from infection, but since then has been admitted to African Bible College Community Clinic (where Madalo works) for treatment and proper nutrition support. He is gaining weight and getting healthier each day! 

Children like Michael are the reason that Malawi runs full-time family care Children's Homes in addition to our Village Partnership Program. At times there are children who simply have no other option and may even die without full-time intervention. Michael now has hope for a future because of the intervention, support, and love he will receive each day as part of a COTN Malawi Children's Home! As a new child, Michael will need sponsors. Please check out this link if you would like to become one of his sponsors.
A New Baby of Our Own As Well!
Well the long-awaited day finally came! Paul Kondwani made his appearance just two days after his due date on October 19th at 8:20pm, weighing in at 8 pounds 2 ounces. Madalo was in active labor for about 7 hours, though her water broke and we had gone to the hospital the night before around midnight. It was an amazing experience being there in the delivery room and seeing my son being born before my eyes. I will treasure that experience forever!

Baby Paul is now 11 days old as I write this. He is already gaining weight and developing. Madalo is recovering well and both of us are getting as much sleep as can be expected! We love our new son and pray for God's hand to be on his life as he grows. Please pray with us as we figure out this whole parenthood thing!

We are currently in the process of getting Paul's official Malawi Government birth certificate which will then allow us to register his birth at the US Embassy, making him a US citizen, and getting his first US passport. Please pray that this process goes smoothly and quickly so that we can travel with him in December to come to the US for Christmas.

Year-End Fundraising
We are coming up to the end of 2014 which means that we are in the season of raising funds to support our work in 2015. We are so grateful to everyone who has supported us either through one-time donations or through monthly support this year and pray that God blesses you for that sacrifice. For 2014, we have been able to raise $11,725 out of a needed $21,600, or 54% of our needs. The rest is made up from support from the COTN budget, which unfortunately means that it cannot go towards in-country programs.

As you can imagine, a new baby brings a whole new set of expenses! Our goal is to raise $24,000 to support us in 2015. The good news, is that through our current monthly supporters, we already have $11,700 or 48% of that covered! Which leaves us with just $12,300 to raise for the whole year!

If you are reading this, I would ask that you prayerfully or thoughtfully consider either becoming one of our monthly supporters or to give a one-time donation to help cover this $12,300 needed to support us in 2015. You may be thinking that you can only give $15 or $20 a month, what difference could that make? That translates into $180-$240 for the year and that definitely makes a difference! Anyamount helps if many people join together with us to reach this goal! Click this linkto go to our support raising page and make either a one-time or monthly donation.
Other Ways to Support Children of the Nations
As I said, any amount that we are unable to raise to go towards my salary has to then be made up by coming from COTN. This means that those funds are not going towards programs or projects in our countries. So, if you prefer, I would also like to share some opportunities for you to give directly towards those in-country needs.

We are always needing more sponsors for our children. If sponsoring a child with a monthly donation sounds like something you are interested in, please take a look at this link showing all of the children in Malawi who are still in need of sponsors. You can choose a child of any age from 3 months old, like Michael, all the way up to a University student needing support for her or his tuition and other college-related expenses.

In addition to sponsorship, there are also some great one-time projects we are trying to fund for Malawi in the coming year. Community Health Clubs, new vehicles, continuing construction of our secondary school-so many great ways to get involved! Take a look at this link to browse and find out more about those projects.

If you decide to sponsor a child or give towards a project, please let me know.

We really appreciate each one of you who takes the time to read our updates and pray faithfully for us. Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends and family as well so that we can add to the network of people in the COTN family!
Much Love,


Jeremy and Madalo Macias

Like our page and follow along on Facebook!

Children of the Nations ( is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and is rated as a 4-star organization for financial management by Charity Navigator. All of your donations will be accompanied by a receipt and are tax deductible in the United States. 
Jeremy and Madalo
Prayer Needs

For Baby Paul in his first few months and the new mom and dad as they learn to be good parents!

For Baby Paul's US citizen registration and first passport application to go quickly and smoothly so that we can travel to the US in December.

Jeremy and Madalo as they raise funds for support in 2015.

COTN Malawi, as they have recently lost one of their University students to a road accident.

Continue to pray for COTN Sierra Leone as they work to keep their campus and communities safe from the Ebola Virus that is currently affecting West Africa.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 2014 Update!

August 2014 Update

Gertrude's Story
I would like to introduce you to Gertrude. She is a sponsored child in our Mgwayi Village Partnership Program (VPP). Gertrude's parents divorced when she was three years old and she was left to live with her mother, which is often the case when families split up in Malawi. Her mother eventually remarried but the family continued to struggle and she was later sent to Mgwayi Village to live with an aunt in hopes that she would be better cared for there. However, Gertrude continued to face problems. She had to walk about an hour to get to school each day and was left with very little time to study at home with no electricity and plenty of housework to help out with. It was then, in 2010, that she was enrolled into the Children of the Nations VPP.

Being enrolled in the Mgwayi VPP, Gertrude was now able to attend COTN's International Christian Academy (ICA) and receive a quality education. 
She was also eventually able to become a boarding student, allowing her to spend the evenings studying along with the other students under electric lights. Just this year in June, she completed her final year of secondary school and was able to participate in ICA's second ever graduation ceremony! It is so amazing to see how the work of Children of the Nations directly impacts a child in this way. Gertrude hopes to go on to nursing school through the COTN University Sponsorship Fund after spending this next year volunteering and giving back to COTN.
Settling into my New Role
With my recent change in position, going from Assistant Liaison to the full Malawi Liaison, I've become busier with more responsibilities from the COTN International Office but am enjoying the broader perspective I am now getting of Children of the Nations. The team I work with as part of the International Office are a great group of people and I always enjoy spending time with them whether in person or through conference calls. Currently I am part of a project whereby we are coming up with statistical data points we would like to be tracking on a regular basis to show progress in accomplishing our various holistic care goals. COTN has typically shown progress through anecdotal stories about the children themselves-and these are definitely encouraging and motivating, however it is becoming necessary to also show progress through quantitative means (hard facts!). This will become very important as we wish to become effective in reaching out to foundations or granting organizations for major funds.

In the coming weeks I will be assisting Malawi as they review their strategic plan, set goals for 2015, as well as put together their 2015 annual budget. Financial oversight is also a new addition to my role and though I don't have a lot of experience in that area, I am looking forward to the challenge.

New Consultants
Recently, COTN Malawi has welcomed some new long-term consultants from the United States who will be working with us for the next year. Erica Baughman, will be working with our Spiritual Care Coordinator in implementing discipleship and mentoring programs. We also, for the first time ever, have a family on campus long term. Ryan and Kelli Ingram, both education consultants, have with them their two daughters, Mattea and Camrie, who are 8 and 6 years old. Ryan will be working with our secondary school assisting with science and Kelli with our primary school assisting in reading. They are all wonderful people and are settling in well to life in Malawi. I am looking forward to having them around for the next year. We also said goodbye to Mollie Mitchell, who was an education consultant with COTN for the last 2 years. Mollie will be missed, her and Tiana were Madalo and I's first neighbors after we were married!
Baby and Other Personal Updates
Madalo is now into her 32nd week of pregnancy and is definitely eager for the little guy to come! She is suffering the regular symptoms of pregnancy and of course (so I've heard!) it isn't the most comfortable thing in the world to be growing a person inside of you. Everything is progressing well though and both baby and mom are healthy, we are thankful for that and continue to pray for smooth labor and delivery.

Another announcement is that we have chosen a name! So please be praying forPaul Kondwani Macias even as he is being formed in his mother's womb! Paul is my middle name and of course the name of one of the church's greatest missionaries who also wrote most of the New Testament. Kondwani is a Chichewa name that means, "Be Happy". I see the name Paul as representing a bridge between two cultures, much as the Apostle Paul was a bridge between Jewish Christians and Greek/Roman Christians in the first century. Kondwani is in hopes that he will, like his mother, always be full of joy and have a beautiful smile on his face!

Last week, Madalo and I had a nice time relaxing at Cape Maclear, Lake Malawi with my dad who was in Malawi for a visit for five days on his way to teach in Uganda. It was great to see him and we were excited to show him how the baby's room is progressing.
If all goes well with little Paul's birth with both baby and mom doing well, as well as some bureaucratic processes getting quickly accomplished including registering Paul as a US citizen and getting him his first passport (all quite a process!), we hope to be coming to the Seattle area in December and staying through Christmas. Please be praying that all of this goes smoothly and quickly so that it can happen! We look forward to showing baby Paul off and spending a Christmas season in the US.
Fundraising Season
As we come into the Fall and Holiday Season, we will begin to raise our funds to support my work in 2015. As you begin to think about your year-end giving, please take time to consider financially supporting us whether through a one-time gift or through monthly support. Obviously with a new baby, our expenses will go up considerably in this next year, we will definitely need the extra support. Thank you for taking the time to consider partnering with us! There will also be opportunities I will share to support COTN in other ways, like child sponsorship or special projects for COTN Malawi. Your partnership is appreciated, in any form!

In the coming year, as part of COTN's 20th Anniversary, we will be starting a campaign to raise all the funds necessary to complete all of the construction for all of our secondary schools in all of our countries. Ambitious, yes, possible, definitely!

We really appreciate each one of you who takes the time to read our updates and pray faithfully for us. Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends and family as well so that we can add to the network of people in the COTN family!
Much Love,


Jeremy and Madalo Macias

Children of the Nations ( is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and is rated as a 4-star organization for financial management by Charity Navigator. All of your donations will be accompanied by a receipt and are tax deductible in the United States. 
Jeremy and Madalo
Prayer Needs

Madalo as she goes through the final stretch of pregnancy and baby Paul as he is born in October.

For baby Paul's US citizen registration and first passport application to go quickly and smoothly so that we can travel to the US in December.

COTN Malawi as they enter their strategic planning, budgeting, and annual goal-setting season.

COTN Sierra Leone as they work to keep their campus and communities safe from the Ebola Virus that is currently affecting West Africa.
Please feel free and be encouraged to share this newsletter with a friend or family member who may be interested in the work of Children of the Nations!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Making History, Presidential Visit, and Some New Things

April 2014 Update

Village History Maker
Children of the Nations (COTN) Malawi began work in Chilombo Village back in 2007. In reality, it is more than one village, it is a collection of villages with a population of over 8,000 people. COTN is partnering with this community in the areas of education, clean water, health care access, sports activities, school nutrition, spiritual development, and others. One of the young people that COTN sponsors in Chilombo is named Davie.

Davie is making history in Chilombo Village. Through the COTN University Sponsorship Program, Davie has become the first person ever in his community to go on to higher education! He is studying to become a journalist at the Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ). Davie wants to become a sports journalist. 
Davie from Chilombo Village
When asked about the opportunity he now has he says, "I'm not taking this for granted. We, as Children of the Nations kids, we are very glad. We are very advantaged to do more things."

Davie worked hard to retake his secondary school exams in order to qualify for entrance to MIJ. He is an inspiration to me but more importantly to all of the kids in Chilombo who can now dream to one day go on to higher education and get jobs that will help support and transform their community. Davie has led the way and there are now four others from Chilombo currently enrolled in higher education! I don't think Chilombo Village will ever be the same. It's kids like Davie that give me the passion to work for COTN.

President's Visit
In March, Chris Clark, the International President and founder of COTN came to Malawi along with his wife Debbie, the co-founder and International Programs Director. Malawi was privileged to host them for three weeks and this of course becomes one of my busiest times of the year.
 Lots of meetings, training, tours, events-I'm just now catching my breath a week after their departure! All in all, the president's visit always encourages the local staff and children and helps to move along the vision and mission of COTN.

New Things
This last month has brought a couple of changes for us. The first is that our next door neighbors who also rent from our same landlord suddenly moved out. This made their house available to us and so we jumped at the chance to move in. The house is much more spacious and will allow us room to host our church small group but more importantly will allow our little family to grow from two to three! Which brings me to an announcement-we are expecting a baby this coming October! 

We would appreciate prayers as Madalo goes through her first pregnancy. We plan to do the delivery here at the African Bible College Clinic where Madalo works. They have a nice maternity ward and we get a great rate with Madalo being an employee. We feel very blessed as we move into this new season of life.

The other change is that my supervisor at COTN, Peter Drennan, who has served as the Malawi Liaison, announced that he will be taking another position at Pilgrim Africa, a non-profit that works solely in Uganda. Up to this point I have been serving as his Assistant Malawi Liaison but I have now been offered and accepted the full position as the sole Malawi Liaison. This probably doesn't seem like much of a change, but basically it means more responsibility and travel. I will continue to operate from Malawi but will now need to travel to the US once or twice a year for various meetings and training. My main added role is to keep the COTN International President directly informed on all things COTN Malawi and to advocate to our fundraising staff in the US on behalf of Malawi's needs.

Because of this recent position change, I will be traveling to Seattle this month and will be in the area from April 20th-May 8th. I will be attending some meetings in Silverdale, WA as well as visiting family and friends. I would love a chance to grab lunch and talk about the possibility of partnership either with individuals or churches who would like to join the mission and financially support COTN through child sponsorship, giving to capital projects, organizing service trips to Malawi through our Venture Program, or in directly supporting my salary and work expenses.

As most of you know, my work with COTN is dependent on financial support from partners like you. The changes that have taken place make the need for this support even stronger as travel costs, pregnancy and delivery costs, and of course caring for a new baby are all added blessings as well as financial responsibilities.

For 2014 we still need to raise $1,175 more in monthly support or $10,575 for the year. Please join us in praying for God to provide!

You can partner with us either with a one-time donation or through monthly support by clicking this link: Support Jeremy and Madalo.

We really appreciate each one of you who takes the time to read our updates and pray faithfully for us. Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends and family as well so that we can add to the network of people in the COTN family!
Much Love,


Jeremy and Madalo Macias

Children of the Nations ( is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and is rated as a 4-star organization for financial management by Charity Navigator. All of your donations will be accompanied by a receipt and are tax deductible in the United States. 
Jeremy and Madalo
Prayer Needs

Jeremy as he travels to the US and both Jeremy and Madalo as this will be their longest time apart since getting married!

Madalo during her first pregnancy. Health for her and our new baby!

Financial provision for the growing Macias family in 2014.
Please feel free and be encouraged to share this newsletter with a friend or family member who may be interested in the work of Children of the Nations!
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C/O Children of the Nations
Box 1205
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Friday, April 11, 2014

Pastors, the Scum of the World?

For I think that God has exhibited us apostles [church/spiritual leaders] as last of all, like men sentenced to death, because we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we in disrepute. To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless, and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things.

1 Corinthians 4:9-13 (ESV)

In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul is writing to a church that had become proud of their spirituality, their gifts, their resources, etc. They weren't giving honor to God, the giver of all these things. In response, Paul tells them what his life and the life of the other apostles were like-basically nothing to be proud of in an earthly sense. Pretty terrible in fact, nothing that a person would willingly want unless something larger than life was driving them.

As I read this passage this morning it got me thinking about many of today's church leaders, pastors, prophets, "men of god", "apostles", and "bishops" (I'm not entirely sure what people think they mean when they give themselves these titles). Many of their lives look nothing like what Paul is describing. In fact, quite the opposite is true. I just read in a magazine about a certain pastor in the US who might sign his family up for a reality show, sort of a "Christian Kardashians" as they put it. The show will follow this pastor and his family as they live in their 7,100 square foot mansion and endure the...hardship? of life in church ministry.

I see this a lot as I live here in Africa. So-called, "men of god" and "bishops" living extravagant lifestyles, dressed in the finest clothes, driving the nicest cars. Unfortunately, the prosperity gospel has taken root here in high fashion. Another unfortunate export from the West.

Hear me out, I'm not against wealth.  I believe God blesses some people with material wealth for a reason. I guess the question is: Where is your heart? Are you, as a wealthy person, seeking out that reason and using your wealth to bless others and to serve God?

This brings to mind another famous US pastor who has been blessed with incredible wealth because of some popular books he wrote. He now gives away 90% of his income and keeps the remaining 10% (granted that 10% is probably still a LOT of money). On top of that, he paid back his church for the 25 years of salaries that he had received up to that point and now leads his church with no salary. I just add this to show a contrast to the above mentioned, "reality show" pastor.

I won't go much further into this topic. Just wanted to share the thoughts that came to me as I read this passage and pondered the lives of people called to serve in the ministry of the Gospel. I'll leave you with two questions.

1. If you are a church leader of some sort, does your life have anything in common with Paul's description? If no, why not?

2. If you are part of a church, does its leadership have anything in common with Paul's description? If not, why do you follow them?

Anyway, that's all for now! Comment your thoughts below!